Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association
Our Mission
To combat neighborhood deterioration by being a concerned, informed and watchful group of residents that protect the well-being of our community through our united voice and actions. We are all committed to making our neighborhood a safe, clean, and well-maintained place to live and raise our children. Our all-volunteer non-profit Association meets monthly to discuss neighborhood concerns and provide an opportunity for city and other government agents, developers and other interested parties to meet directly with residents.
Our History
Ralph D. House was a noble and selfless person who dedicated many years of tireless service to the Bayview Community addressing quality of life issues. Mr. House organized the Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association in 1984 and it was incorporated as a California 501(c)3 Nonprofit California Public Benefit Corporation in 1990.
The Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association is the oldest active association in the southeast sector. Mr. House served as president until 2004.
Our Vision
A safe, quiet, clean, and respected San Francisco neighborhood where residents are united and influential regarding issues that impact our quality of life.

Our Core Activities
Stay involved in activities that impact the community
Know and share what’s going on in the community
Reach out and communicate with other residents and organize for action
Educate ourselves on community processes
Engage other residents, community groups, businesses, agencies, government and political officials on issues important to our neighborhood.
Maintain and communicate the history of the neighborhood