Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association

Join Us!
We are working hard to make this neighborhood a safe, quiet, clean, and respected San Francisco neighborhood where residents are united and influential regarding issues that impact our quality of life. Your involvement is essential!
We meet regularly on the first Monday of the month (usually at St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church, Francis Center at 3350 Jennings Ave at Jamestown). However, due to COVID, two thirds of the meetings shifted to Zoom. Please join us meeting info on the agenda. Contact us at if you would like more information.
We are all about keeping it CLEAN!

Quick Links
Helping Our Youth

Residents and Public Works staff were in full force to help spruce up the Bayview Gateway site on Arbor Day 2022. Pictured: Clean up team at the Bayview Gateway site. Mayor Breed, Supervisor Walton and local resident Marsha Maloof at the Arbor Day Kick Off.

Show your support! Get a free stashable shopping bag with your donation.

Renew your Membership
As a resident volunteer organization, our work is funded through yearly membership dues. We need your support.
Membership dues are
only $40 per year per family.
While access to our information is free, your dues pay for the cost of mailings and digital communications. You will also receive all meeting agendas and minutes. We ask for $100 per year for businesses and organizations. Click the Donate button above to make your membership donation today!